FAQ: Advertisements

Q: Can I advertise my website on yours?
A: Yes, but only on our sidebar under “advertisements”.

Q: What sites can advertise in that space?
A: Magazines, Radio, CD Releases, other Jrock news sites, etc.

Q: What kind of sites are not allowed?
A: Anime, Slash Fandoms, Hentai/Pornographic, Music Rotations, Livejournal Communities, Paysites.

Q: Do you charge any fees for advertising space?
A: No.

Q: Is there a maximum height and width for my banner? What file types can I use?
Your banner cannot be any bigger than 200×200 pixels and either .jpeg/jpg, .png or .gif format.

Q: I don’t have a graphic for my website, what happens if I am interested in the space?
A: We can make you one, but you have to give us permission to do so.